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        Arkusze konkursowe z lat poprzednich z województwa łódzkiego znajdziecie tutaj:



        Przykładowy test:


        1. Przeczytaj tekst:


        Beauty in nature is seen everywhere. Nature is full of colour. Plants, animals, birds, and insects have many beautiful colours. Colour, however for animals, birds, and insects is not only for beauty. It means life to them because it helps them hide from their enemies.

        Birds, for example, use their colour to tell other birds to stay away from their nests. They sing and move their wings to show their colour as a warning to other birds.

        One kind of butterfly is orange and black. It has a bad taste to birds. Once a bird eats this kind of butterfly it remembers the bad taste. After that, it will never eat another orange and black butterfly!

        Some moths use colour to make birds afraid of them. The colour or the marks on the moth’s body is a sign to a bird. The bird sees the colour or the marks and does not eat the moth!

        One kind of fish can change its colour. The colour is the same as the surrounding sea plants or rocks. Then the fish’s enemy cannot see it.

        Colour is very important to nature’s animals, birds and insects. It can often save their lives!


        Zdecyduj, czy zdania są prawdziwe T (true), czy fałszywe F (false):

        Nature’s colours: 1. protect from enemies. …..

        2. are used as warnings. …..

        3. help hide fish. …..

        4. make birds fly. …..

        5. make birds afraid of moths. …..

        6. can save lives. …..

        7. make things beautiful. …..

        8. make trees taste bad. …..

        9. make moths sing. …..

        Zdecyduj, o czym jest paragraf pierwszy; (zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź)

        1. Nature’s colours:

        1. are only for beauty.

        2. help animals, birds, and insects.

        3. are not important.

        Zdecyduj, o czym jest paragraf trzeci; (zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź)

        1. Orange and black butterflies:

        a) catch birds.

        b) have nests.

        c) taste bad to birds.

        Wybierz i zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź:

        1. The colour of birds ……….other birds.

        a) hide b) save c) warn

        1. The colour of some moths is ……….to birds.

        a) a sign b) a taste c) a beauty

        1. Some fish can change their ………...

        a) bodies b) colour c) water

        1. The colours of animals can ………….

        a) save their lives b) help build nests c) change moths to butterflies




        1. Wstaw podane wyrazy do tabelki, następnie wpisz utworzone wyrażenia w zdania f – j.

        machine, box, number, phone, mail



        a) mobile ………….

        b) phone …………



        c) answering ………….

        d) e – ............



        e) wrong …………


        f) I am taking my ……………………... with me, so you can call me any time.

        g) He is on the Internet, so why don’t you send him an ……………............... .

        h) No, I’m sorry, this is 883226 – you’ ve got the ………………….................. .

        i) If nobody answers the phone, you can just leave a message on the ……………………………

        j) We don’t have a phone in our flat, so we use the ………………......... round the corner.


        1. Gdzie jest rozmówca? Wpisz odpowiednie słowo po każdym zdaniu.

        art gallery




        doctor’s surgery


        post office







        railway station


        a) And an air-mail sticker, please. ...........................................

        b) I can’t sell them to you without a prescription. ...........................................

        c) Let’s look at these beautiful paintings. ...........................................

        d) I’ve got a reservation in the name of Johnson. ...........................................

        e) How much are these tomatoes? ...........................................

        f) Can I borrow this dictionary, please? ...........................................

        g) I’m just going to listen to your chest. ...........................................

        h) Smile, please. Say cheese! ...........................................

        i) Would you prefer a silver one? ...........................................

        j) A day return to London, please. ...........................................


        1. Wpisz w odpowiednie miejsca (a – j ) nazwy 10 rzeczy, które Korky ma na sobie.






        crash helmet


























        j a












        i d



        h f






        2. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.





        Across 1. You have it in a restaurant. { _ E_ _ }

        3. People often have one on their birthday. { _ _ R _ _ }

        5. Do you want to have a ………. of tennis. { G _ _ _}


        Down 2. You have it at school or university.

        4. If you don’t like coffee, you can have ………... .



        3. Wybierz i zakreśl prawidłowe słowo:

        a) You must …………….. and visit us sometimes. COME / GO

        b) He is a ………………… in a hotel. COOK / COOKER

        c) I think I ……………….. my bag at the cinema. FORGOT / LEFT

        d) Please ………………… to this carefully. HEAR / LISTEN

        e) The dog is eating ............... food noisily. IT’S / ITS

        f) I ………………… the shop on the way home. PASSED / PAST

        g) Be ……………… ! The baby is sleeping. QUIET / QUITE

        h) Can you …………… me that story again? SAY / TELL

        i) I’m pleased everybody has worked so …………… . HARD / HARDLY

        j) ………………. book is this? WHO IS / WHOSE



        1. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź (a,b,c).

        1. Look! The bus a) is comeing b) is coming c) is being coming. …..

        2. Bill a) wasn’t b) isn’t c) weren’t at home last weekend. …..

        3. Where a) live Mike? b) lives Mike? c) does Mike live? …..

        4. I always go skiing a) at b) on c) in the winter. …..

        5. She a) has to work b) has work c) have to work very hard in her job. …..

        6. Amanda is a) best b) the best c) better player in the team. …..

        7. Stuart is vegetarian. He doesn’t eat a) -- b) the c) a meat. …..

        8. He’s my friend. I a) have known b) knew c) know him for ten years. …..

        9. Which film a) do you go b) you will c) are you going to see tonight. …..

        10. Susan a) has 12 years b) is 12 c) has 12. …..

        11. We couldn’t go into the museum because we didn’t have a) money enough

        b) too many money c) enough money. …..

        12. John never a) listens b) listens to c) listens at the radio. …..

        13. You a) shouldn’t b)shouldn’t to c) don’t should eat so quickly. …..

        14. Margaret enjoys a) learning b) to learn c) learn English. …..

        15. I don’t know a) nothing b) something c) anything about the history

        of Britain. …..


        1. Znajdź błąd w każdym zdaniu. Przepisz zdania

        w wersji poprawnej.

          1. Last week I break my mother’s favourite cup. ……………………………………………………………………….

          2. Mine father’s car is red.


          1. There are two shelf in the kitchen.


          1. Susan can draw very good.


          1. There will to be flying cars in the future.



        V. Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych.


        1. Uzupełnij brakujące słowa w zdaniach tak, aby były prawdziwe:


        a) The capital city of the United States of America is

        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. C.

        b) Jack – o’ – lanterns are H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ decoration.

        c) B _ _ _ _ _ D_ _ is on 26th December.

        d) We can see the Statue of Liberty in _ _ _ Y _ _ _.

        e) The Americans celebrate their I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D_ _ on 4th July.

        f) People celebrate S _ _ _ _ V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘_ D_ _ on 14th February.

        g) You can see the Crown Jewels there. T _ _ T_ _ _ _ of L _ _ _ _ _

        h) This is the Buckingham Palace. The Q _ _ _ _ lives here.

        i) The P _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lives in Downing Street at number 10.

        j) The f _ _ _ of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack.